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god of wor

sábado, 27 de agosto de 2011

Hector Nolasco

God of War III continues where the previous installment, God of War III has left. On the Gaia’s back Kratos is keen to extract vengeance from the Gods. His motive is simple to make them suffer. According to the trailers location of the Blade of Olympus is unknown. Kratos is shown Using blade at the ending of God of War II. One Question, which is still to be answered, is the battle between Gods and Titans. This battle is the only Source that can explain the end of Greek mythology. Many screenshots of the game are released for the game so far. Some showing Kratos clutching the god’s head and is about to tear it off with his bare hands. Other screenshots show Kratos on his knees with bloodied face. One confirmed weapon of Kratos is Helios’ head; this also confirms his death at an unknown point in the game. Kratos will use iron or bronze boots with wings on them. These boots will enhance Kratos’ acrobatic abilities. From this it is clear that at some points in game Kratos battles and kills Hermes, and takes his boots.
It was confirmed in an interview in February 2009 that, God of War III would be the last in the franchise. Use of Six-axis motion sensor capabilities for the interaction of game were also inproved. However, later in Game Developers Conference it was announced by Sony that the Six-axis capabilities for the game are removed. The reason developers gave was that they were unable to find an appropriate situation to use Six-axis effectively in the game. till March 23, 2009 Sony was asking current PlayStation 3 users what kind of content they want in the collector’s edition for the game. A combat game play footage was leaked on the net on March 29, 2009. Kratos was shown in the footage arriving in a balcony. Killing all the soldiers in the way, which looks like Zombies more than soldiers. Kratos then advances towards Cyclops and attacks him. After dodging a series of attacks he kills Cyclops and the rest of Zombies. From this footage one thing that goes surely is that there are many mini bosses in the game. The footage ends with the God of War III logo.

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